kailua_langsvr_protocol 1.0.5

Language server protocol types for Kailua

Language server protocol types for Kailua.

This crate closely mirrors the version 3.0 of the Language Server Protocol, and provides both serde::Serialize and serde::Deserialize implementations for most types, with the following deviations:

  • Enums are mapped to Rust modules.

  • Anonymous nested interfaces are given unique names from its field name. Since this results in many ambiguous types for client capabilities, client capabilities are put to a separate module client_caps.

  • Some types like number | string are not yet properly implemented and fixed to a most probable type.

  • ServerCapabilities.textDocumentSync should be a TextDocumentSyncOptions in 3.0, but this causes a bug in vscode-languageclient<=3.2.0, so it is reverted to a backward-compatible TextDocumentSyncKind.